Accelerate your professional development and join the Case Report Challenge 2024

The Case Report Challenge is a call to healthcare professionals to share their dedication to wound and skin care. Join the community by documenting the work you are doing to treat wounds and skin care conditions and submit your case report to by 6 September 2024 

A panel of wound experts will review the case reports and the top two case reports with highest score will receive $3000 educational credits that can be used on any St Luke’s Hospital educational courses.


All submitted case reports will receive $50 educational credits that can be used on any St Luke’s Hospital wound educational courses.


For more information on St Luke's Hospital courses, please visit

You can easily participate in the Case Report Challenge

Selected participants with outstanding case reports will get the opportunity to present their work at the upcoming St. Luke's Hospital wound conference on November 22nd, 2024. 

Sign up to the Case Report Challenge by filling in the below form

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Take the HEAL Wound Assessment e-learning course

Take the HEAL Wound Assessment e-learning course

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Take the HEAL Wound Assessment e-learning course


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